Program Committee
Didier Bert , Institute IMAG, Grenoble, France
Eerke Boiten , University of Kent, UK
Jonathan Bowen , London South Bank University, UK
Michael Butler , University of Southampton, UK
Paul Curzon , Queen Mary, University of London, UK
Jim Davies , University of Oxford, UK
John Derrick , University of Sheffield, UK
Steve Dunne , University of Teesside, UK
Jin Song Dong , National University of Singapore
Andy Galloway , University of York, UK
Chris George , United Nations University, Macau
Wolfgang Grieskamp , Microsoft Research, Redmond, US
Henri Habrias , University of Nantes, France
Maritta Heisel , University of Magdeburg, Germany
Soon-Kyeong Kim , University of Queensland, Australia
Michel Lemoine , ONERA, Toulouse, France
Shaoying Liu , Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan
Dominique Mery , LORIA, France
Stephan Merz , LORIA, France
Richard Paige , University of York, UK
Luigia Petre , Turku Centre for Computer Science, Finland
Jaco van de Pol , Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, The Netherlands
Judi Romijn , Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Thomas Santen , Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Steve Schneider , University of Surrey, UK
Wolfram Schulte , Microsoft Research, Redmond, US
Kaisa Sere , Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
Jane Sinclair , University of Warwick, UK
Graeme Smith , University of Queensland, Australia
Bill Stoddart , University of Teesside, UK
Kenji Taguchi , National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Helen Treharne , University of Surrey, UK
Heike Wehrheim , University of Paderborn, Germany
Kirsten Winter , University of Queensland, Australia
Jim Woodcock , University of York, UK